Townsville to Cairns Bike Ride


Thu, 25 Jul 2024 +2 more


7:30 AM – 3:00 PM


From $425


Mercure Townsville
166-194 Woolcock Street Service Rd
Currajong QLD 4812



The Townsville to Cairns Bike Ride (TCBR) is unique community event with over 250 cyclists aged 15-75 years. Cyclists ride from Townsville to Ingham on Day 1, Ingham to Innisfail on Day 2 and Innisfail to Cairns on Day 3.

The Townsville to Cairns Bike Ride was founded in 1999 by Selwyn Hardwick. Sel felt helpless when his sister passed away from cancer, and one of his grandchildren became ill with leukaemia. Sel came up with the idea of riding from Townsville to Cairns to raise money to give to Children's Cancer Institute. He felt that this was a way he could help his grandson proactively. He invited his son to join in the challenge and the idea was born.

The TCBR is an annual event which has raised over $7 million for the Children's Cancer Institute since 1999. A landmark moment in the treatment of children with cancer was reached in November 2023, with the Zero Childhood Cancer Program (ZERO) becoming available to all children with cancer in Australia This means that every child diagnosed with cancer, regardless of their cancer type or risk profile, will have access to this world-leading comprehensive precision medicine program.

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