Townsville & District 4WD Club General Meetings
Future Dates
- Tue, 25 Feb 2025 – 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM
- Tue, 25 Mar 2025 – 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM
- Tue, 29 Apr 2025 – 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM
Entry off Hinchinbrook Drive adjacent to Eastbrooke Health Hub
Kirwan QLD 4817
Our monthly meetings are held on the last Tuesday of each month (except December) starting at 7:30pm at the Dan Gleeson Sound Shell, adjacent to Eastbrooke Health Hub with entry off Hinchinbrook Drive.
The meetings are an opportunity for future members and current members to attend where information of previous trips, future trips and other pertinent information of travelling in the great outdoors can be provided.
Our club covers a whole range of 4WDing types, from difficult to medium to easy. The club suits many people and the trips we do are clearly identified by a track rating.
The club is very social, and we take into consideration your vehicle, the experience of the driver as well as their consideration for how serious the driving they want.
Visitors are required to go on two trips before they are eligible to join. This is primarily for your benefit, that we are what you want before you are required to pay any monies.
We have a light supper after the meeting so come and have a chat with members and we can fill you in more about the club and what we do.
We are also involved in Community activities such as the clean up at the historic Ravenswood Cemetery each year.
Additional Details
Age Suitability:
- Disability parking
- Disability restroom
- Wheelchair accessible venue
Occasionally we are able to have guest speakers to present various topics such as:
- First Aid in a remote environment.
- Safety issues relating to loading of vehicles, tyre performance and vehicle modifications. T&MR have come out and weighed our vehicles.
- Aspects such as load handling and carrying, and vehicle use, handling and maintenance documentation may differ in detail; however, the techniques and principles for driving and recovery remain consistent.
Safety is a big issue within our Club and we take all precautions possible to ensure that we provide a duty of care to our members on Club activities and hope that they exhibit those same principles on their own activities.